
Dead Recovery Guide MP3 Players

Dead recovery guide MP3 Players - This guide may helped many peole to repair their players, we have recently decided that we can do better and it is being reviewed now. Before rerpair you shold identify the player, discover you board ID, prepare the tools and learn how to repair MP3 Players here.

Dead recovery guide MP3 Players

MP3 Players Recovery Guide
If your player get problems, not working, mabe in dead situations, think you'll need a firmware that works with your player's hardware. To know with MP3 Player Firmware file will work on your player, you must get the board ID. It's the only safe way to identify your player. Chip numbers, external look, models or brand names can't unequely identify a hardware set.

Manually to get the board ID, you must disassemble your player. If you don't know how to disassemble your mp3 player, see the repair / service manual.

You can find out more about board ID identification, and once you've found your board ID, you may see if there is any tested firmware for your player at the Firmware list to recover dead MP3 Players with our guide and tutorials.

MP3 Players Recovery Guide
Dead MP3 Players Recovery Guide

1. Locate a reasonable table/work area to take a shot at, ensure the floor isn't to untidy. It'll be a LOT simpler to discover back those small little screws/plastic catches that tend to drop out precisely the wrong way

Stick a screwdriver/cut/needle between the USB plug and the base plastic part (the one that holds the battery) . Any hole sufficiently huge to fit a sharp edge in will do.

Lever the base plastic of whatever remains of the player. It's not welded or stuck tight, so it'll happen to effortlessly. Be intense, however delicate, if important. Try not to stress in the event that you hear plastic "snapping" it's simply the clasps coming free, you are not breaking anything.

2. In the four corners of the PCB (the printboard with every one of the chips) you'll discover four screws, discover a screwdriver that fits, and unscrew them. Put the tightens a compartment! Anything will do, from an egg holder to tupperware to an ashtray, simply don't free the screws!! You would now be able to lift off the fundamental PCB. Be carefull, as the LCD connector link (darker level link) is very delicate. Try not to break it!

You would now be able to securely expel the chrome/silver/gleaming ring from the player. Note how it fits under the primary PCB, and how the LCD connector link experiences it. This bit is somewhat dubious to reassemble later, so on the off chance that you recollect how everything was in any case, It'll be less demanding to assemble it back.

You would now be able to see the back of the LCD board. there ought to be two tightens it. Once more, take your screwdriver and unscrew them. Put these tightens an (alternate) holder! Once more, Don't lose the screws! You require them. Place them in an alternate compartment to ensure you don't blend them up with the four "primary PCB screws", as that will cause inconvenience when you set up the player back together. After all that, you can take the LCD board from the front of the case. Keep in mind, the dark colored LCD connector link is delicate, don't break it!

Congrats, you have now dismantled your S1MP3 player! To reassemble it, simply take after this guide backward request. Additional thoughtfulness regarding check whether the catches are well fit looking into the issue, for not to constrain at that point while shutting the case.

3. Introduce drivers and influence windows to recognize the playerback to top

To start with, uninstall the "mp3 player apparatuses" you have introduced already. Introduce the 1.46 rendition accessible at the Tools.

Unplug the player and evacuate/uninstall every one of the drivers identified with USB at the gadget director. (Control Panel > System > Hardware tab > Device Manager). Here is a screenshot.

Presently, click "check for equipment changes" catch. At last after the USB drivers are introduced, connect to your player.

On the off chance that you have issues with drivers, they might be gotten at the place you've introduced the MP3 player utilities(Program Files/MP3 Player Utilities/) At envelopes "Windows98Drv", and "Scatter/drivers".

On the off chance that you take after this means windows still can't remember it, you may attempt to drive ALL the catches while associating it to the USB center. Attempt each catch, and keep the catch hold. You may likewise attempt to plug it on another PC. Likewise, ensure driver marking isn't set to "block"(screenshot).

In the case of nothing works, don't get frantic, you can even now attempt to impede memory chip to influence it to run the "recuperation mode"(ADFU server).

4. Introduce a good overhaul programback to top

Avoid this progression if the updater program is working accurately on your machine.

Initially, ensure you have done the past advances, and cripple any hostile to infection/against spywares.

Attempt to plug your gadget with and without the batteries, and check whether holding the catches settles the refresh program begin blunders.

In the event that you are as yet getting mistakes like "UNKNOW FLASH TYPE", "Streak NOT RESPONDING", "Gadget NOT DETECTED", "Gadget IS BUSY", and so on, you ought to uninstall you current updater program and attempt different renditions. (see the MP3 Player Utilities)

On the off chance that despite everything you can't influence it to work, you can endeavor to impede memory chip to influence it to run the "recuperation mode"(ADFU server).

5. Put gadget on recuperation mode (short-circuit)back to top

Why/how can it work : On boot time, the BREC (bootloader, composed on ATJ2085) checks if the FWIMAGE (with is on the NAND streak) is harmed. In the event that it will be, it enters on the recuperation mode (ADFU SERVER). In the event that you get a dead gadget, the invalid/inconsistent FWIMAGE show at the NAND glimmer couldn't be recognized as degenerate or contradictory, since every last bit of it headers are substantial. To make the ATJ2085 run the recuperation mode, (so we can supersede the broken FWIMAGE and compose code) we hamper memory chip amid startup to recreate a broken fwimage header. Off kilter, on the off chance that you have a gadget with the harmed BREC code, there is no chance to get for us to compose code on the gadget, so it's extremely gone to paradise ... :)

You should dismantle your mp3 player. On the off chance that you haven't done this yet, check the dismantle the s1mp3.

Perceive the memory chip, close to the ATJ2085 chip. It's typically a samsung chip, and it's the greatest silicon on the board. To help recognizing the gadget segments, check the Internal review of standard s1mp3. We have seen players with 2 memory chips, as well. In the event that you have one of those, you need to short the memory chip closest to the ATJ2085.

Presently, without the batteries, with a level screwdriver, touch at least 2 of any of the 8 IO legs of the memory chip. At that point, KEEP the screwdriver shorting the pins, and associate the player to the USB.

memory chip schematic

Continue attempting this method until the point when you are effective. You may need to do this technique loads of time before getting a fruitful short. When you are effective, windows will perceive your s1mp3 as an ADFU server gadget (you may check it on the framework plate) and afterward, when you begin the firmware refresh program, you'll be cautioned that the gadget is on recuperation mode, and you will at long last be permitted to streak a (FULL) perfect firmware document. On the off chance that you attempt to streak a dump, you will get a mistake message.

In the event that your gadget isn't identified In any way, notwithstanding doing this strategy, you got a forever damanged S1mp3, most likely in light of the fact that a degenerate firmware streak operation. The main expectation is an equipment streak by means of ICE, see the ICE howto wiki article.

Presently, let windows introduce the drivers. After this, you may streak any firmware to the player, in the wake of finding a perfect refresh program.

6. Discover the apropriate firmware for your mp3 playerback to top

With your board ID close by, check the Firmware list . On the off chance that you discover a firmware perfect with your board, your 're fortunate, attempt it.

In the event that you are on recuperation (ADFU) mode, and the firmware for your board haven't worked, or on the off chance that you are attempting to streak a dump(incomplete firmware), one thing you may do is to streak another (irregular) firmware, until the point that you get a working usb streak plate. At that point, streak your player in the ordinary path, with your deficient firmware(without doing any short out). Inadequate DUMPS won't chip away at ADFU mode, recall that!

In the event that you don't discover your board there, them you should discover it yourself, by endeavor and blunder. We miserably CAN'T help you chasing. (Google can.)

Every one of the firmwares we have gathered so far are on the discussion, get them and begin attempting. Post your entire encounters on the discussion, along these lines, with some time, we will inventory all the FW documents.

In the event that you have a companion with an indistinguishable player it's simple, simply request that he separate the receptacle document from his player utilizing Wire's apparatuses. What's more, keep in mind to send us the firmware for we to inventory it on the page.

7. Help! Despite everything I can't recoup my player!back to top

Note that this method is the same for ATJ2085, AMP2085 and ATJ2051 chips.

In the event that you have SURE you have made every one of the means above, post on the gathering depicting with however much points of interest as could reasonably be expected, what is turning out badly, perhaps we can help you. Yet, all that is known are on this page, the general population presumably won't have the capacity to help much. Plese, don't post requesting firmwares!!

On the off chance that you are getting a diligent blunder like "UNKNOW FLASH TYPE" subsequent to taking a stab at everything proposed here, it's possible that there is an awful bind on your memory chip or the memory chip itself is phisically dammanged. You may attempt to resolder it.

The most critical is to keep trust, LOTS of individuals effectively recuperated their players!

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