
Tips How To Take Care Brakes

Tips How To Take Care Brakes - After previously admin give information about Brakes Tips, this time admin will also reveal tipsto your car or motorcycle can be durable and how similar that can make it durable.

Tips How To Take Care Brakes

How to care for the car brake is important for us to know for who owns the car. Because the brakes are one of the most important components of the car that serves as a tool to hold the rate of our cars. The condition of the brakes on our cars may depend on how we treat them. If we ignore the brake care of this car then it can be not optimal performance. This of course can threaten the safety of riders and others around us. Like some cases of accident caused by brake.

Car brakes also depend on the way we drive the car and road conditions are increasingly jammed from day to day. For the brake maintenance of this car brake is actually not too difficult as long as we know how to care for good and correct car brakes. Although actually take care of self-made car brakes a little trouble because we have to remove the four wheels of our cars. In the car brake there are two types of Disk Brake.

Here are some Tips How to Take Care Brakes

Every once a week we are obliged to check the condition of brake fluid to be not empty. In the event of reduction of brake fluid from the minimum limit should be checked whether there is a leak in the channel / hose brake oil our car. Because under normal conditions, the reduction of brake fluid does not occur quickly. The brake fluid of the car decreases as the brake canvas becomes depleted. Recommendations from car manufacturers, generally brake fluid should be replaced after reaching 40,000 km or about 2 years. But this applies to car usage under normal conditions. But if the performance of heavy car brakes or the frequency of high car brake use due to traffic jams should be replaced more quickly for more details consult with our subscription workshops.

Disc Brakes Tips

Next off the brake pad / pad from the stand and use a rough abrasive, brush or brush to clean the surface. Then use a special carbon brake cleaner or so-called (Brake Cleaner) or if you want to economical can also use gasoline. After that give a stempet, grease or lubricant on the retaining iron on the back of the brake lining. This should be done with caution should not be exposed on the surface of the brake lining directly to the disc. After that we can reinstall the brake lining.

Drum Brakes Tips

Remove the cap of the drum first. After that the steps should be done the same as cleaning on the brake disc with the use of sandpaper or special fluid brake cleaner. Then replace the lid of the drum in accordance with its original state.We want to do it ourselves, but if we are still in doubt with the accuracy of our work we should take care of car brakes submitted to the experts in our workshop subscription

Brake is indeed one important component that must be on the motor and of course must be on guard for the brakes performance, because with the Brakes on the motor will make you comfortable on the road and will be able to reduce speed better and avoid the accident. For brakes that are now widely used by motorcycles, automatic and motor sport has been using disc brakes and there are still some who use drum brakes. But that will make better braking is to use disc brakes and now there is a motor that uses Dual Brake Discs which would certainly make a snag rider safe and comfort..

Disc brakes also require care that should not be underestimated, disc brakes themselves are discs made of a powerful steel plate and equipped with a canvas that will grip the disc with a very strong so that can muffle the speed with the maximum.

How to Clean Disc Brakes
How to Care Brakes

Cleaning on the disc part is very important to do, because disk disks will snagat easily dirty and dirt will quickly become crust so it will disturb the braking process on the disc disk. Cleaning the discs can be done easily and use the liquid Disk Cleaner which is dedicated to clean the discs that will make the disk disc cleaning process easier and will be cleaner than the name of dirt and crust that attaches to the disc.

Pay attention to Oil Brake

Brake Oil that is used by the disc will snagat effect to make the braking process becomes better and of course will increasingly make the rider more comfortable and will be more grip when braking. Regular refueling on Brakes will restore performance Better brake discs, add Brake oil if Brake oil decreases.

Eliminating the Hissing Sound on the Disc

With the braking process of disk and canvas disk will experience a very strong friction and will try to stop the motor speed well. With more and more friction, the surface of the disc with the canvas will experience erosion and of course for disc disk will experience the sound of the sounds that interfere with our hearing. To get rid of it you just sanded the brake canvas or disk discs so that the thud is gone.

Hopefully with how to care brakes information on Tips How To Take Care Brakes can be useful to you thanks.

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